A voice for orange

A few things about me i would like to share with you.

Even before I ever got involved in politics, I was a community organizer who worked tirelessly to help the less fortunate in Orange. That desire has grown to become more of a mission over time. These few pictures bellow are evidence of my dedication to the residents of Orange

The work must not stop


About me bio

Quantavia L. Hilbert is a businesswoman and dedicated public servant.  She serves as the West Ward City Councilwoman for the City of Orange, where she legislates and educates her community on civic engagement. Quantavia is a proud alumni of Cathedral High School and the University of Hartford. After receiving her Bachelors in Health Science, she cultivated a diverse career as a certified project manager, a mental health counselor, and workforce administrator. Quantavia is the recipient of the 30 under 30 Community Leadership Award, and a former union member of the Local 810. She is a passionate community advocate, who collaborates with nonprofit organizations to foster entrepreneurship, address health disparities, homelessness, and public safety. Quantavia also practices as a women’s self defense instructor and CPR instructor. Currently, she operates a logistics company and a media and film production company with her husband, Michael.
Quantavia is committed to increasing strategic partnerships to develop a sustainable and equitable community.

Community Work

Advocate for the voiceless

Feeding the Hungry

Spread the love