A voice for orange

Issues I will priotize

  • Revitalization of the city’s economy has kept me up for years. As a councilwoman, I’ve noticed there hasn’t been any desire neither in the city council nor in the city hall to get the job done. When I get elected, I will diligently work to bring new investments to the city, to increase revenue and expand services to the residents.
  •  Lowering Property taxes works conjointly with revitalization. Orange is one of the cities with the highest property taxes in Essex County. By bringing more revenue through revitalization, I will be able to lower property taxes and increase services at the same time.
  • Public Safety is an alarming subject in the mind of many residents I spoke to. While I will not tolerate abuse of power by police officers, I will also make sure that the community works hands in hands with law enforcement to help solve crime in the city.
  • Corruption is the culprit that keeps Orange from thriving. There is too much favoritism in the City Hall. Too many employees worry more about their pockets than doing the work they’re paid for with no accountability and no leadership. Under my administration, that will stop.

      I will make sure that Orange is a city that’s striving, not struggling.

a leader you can trust

a leader you can trust


  • Revitalization of the city’s economy has kept me up for years. As a councilwoman, I noticed there hasn’t been any desire neither in city council nor in the city hall to get the job done. When I get elected, I will diligently work to bring new investments to the city, to increase revenue and expand services to the residents.
  •  Lowering Property taxes works conjointly with revitalization. Orange is one of the cities with the highest property taxes in Essex county. By bringing more revenue through revitalization, I will be able to lower property taxes and increase services at the same time.
  • Public Safety is an alarming subject in the mind of many residents of Orange I spoke to. While I will not tolerate abuse of power by police officers, I will also make sure that the community works hands in hands with law enforcement to help solve crime in the city.
  • Corruption is the culprit that keeps Orange from thriving. There is too much favoritism in the City Hall. Too many employees worry more about their pockets than doing the work they’re paid for with no accountability and no leadership. Under my administration, that will stop.

      I will make sure that Orange is a city that’s striving, not struggling.


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Revitalization of the city’s economy has kept me up for years. As a councilwoman, I’ve noticed there hasn’t been any desire neither in the City Council nor in the City Hall to get the job done. When I get elected, I will diligently work to bring new investments to the city, to increase revenue and expand services to the residents.

 Lowering Property taxes works conjointly with revitalization. Orange is one of the cities with the highest property taxes in Essex County. By bringing in more revenue through revitalization, I will be able to lower property taxes and increase services at the same time.

Public Safety is an alarming subject in the mind of many residents I spoke to. While I will not tolerate abuse of power by police officers, I will also make sure that the community works hands in hands with law enforcement to help solve crime in the city.

Corruption is the culprit that keeps Orange from thriving. There is too much favoritism in the City Hall. Too many employees worry more about their pockets than doing the work they’re paid for with no accountability and no leadership. Under my administration, that will stop.

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